Wednesday, February 22, 2017

10. My World View

These last few years, my stereotype of people in general has been altered significantly. I used to think that everyone was always doing good all the time and that I was the only one who was really struggling with anything. It certainly seemed that way from very surfacey interactions including small talk as well as happy faces on social media I'd grown accustomed to. I think I was also a little too self-centered to really look outside myself long enough to realize that underneath the happy exterior, many were going through heart-breaking challenges everyday. Through advice from my mother, I began to talk more deeply with friends and try to feel compassion for their trials. The more I listened and prayed to feel empathy, the more I desired to help.

I think this was a big turning point in my life because after this realization, I wasn't always worried about what others were thinking of me. Instead, I was looking around to see if I could offer assistance to anyone in need. I felt my heart begin to expand and I started to genuinely care about those around me. I began to understand the love Christ has for each and every one of his children because I could feel it whenever I served anyone. I then took it one step further and thought this must be how Christ loves me. This changed my perspective on so many things. I started praying more regularly because I knew He wanted to hear from me, I relied on his guidance because I knew He'd steer me in the best direction, and I was more motivated to keep His commandments because I knew that would bring me the most happiness. These little epiphanies throughout my life have completely altered the way I view life, the gospel, and people in general. I am a happier and more service-oriented person than I ever thought I would be. I think my findings can be summed up into one verse "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" (D&C 18:10). If we remember that every human being on earth is a child of God as well as our brothers and sisters, we'll be more apt to lend a helping hand and really feel of the love Christ has for each of his children. I know because I've felt it and there's not a more peaceful feeling in the world.

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