Best tips for the research process:
-Start checking things out from the library right away. There are many research options that are integral to your research so you want to start the research process as quickly as possible.
-have a thesis in your head, but then don't be afraid to change it based on what your research shows you.
-Have a lot of people look over your paper and advise you during the writing process. This way, you don't spend so much time moving in a direction that makes your paper too broad.
-Space out your working time. If you think "I'm going to write out my whole 8 page paper tonight" then you'll get overwhelmed so make small goals like we did when we had 2 pages due every class period.
What I would like to change about this research project:
- start the research process a long time before we start getting our thesis because I ended up changing my topic and so all the research and annotated bibliography that I completed weren't necessary to my research anymore.
-I would like an outline of expectations for this project so I can pace myself instead of having the class do it for me.
-More organized scheduling so I know what is due when.
-Maybe a few more examples of research papers in the past so I can understand how the family story is supposed to tie into my research
-Have us start the research paper and get all the research done before we write our family story because once I started doing research I decided to go in a different direction and had to change the family story as well.
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