Wednesday, April 5, 2017

16. Waiting Upon the Lord Devotional Anaysis

This past week has been pretty stressful because I've been trying to get housing, my class schedule, and plans for the summer all pinned down. This devotional really helped me to understand the importance of relying on the Lord, but also taking the initiative to make decisions and move forward with them. I attended the last BYU devotional called "Waiting Upon the Lord" by Erin Holmes and it helped me immensely in the decision-making process.

One of my favorite things she said was “God’s plan for you will not match the plans God has for others, you must come to know what the Lord wants for you personally.” It's easy to look around at others and think you should be doing as well as they are, but sometimes God has other lessons He wants to teach you. I've found that to be the case because I've really had to work for the testimony I have right now. I thought it would come pretty easily, but I think because I've had to work for it, I've appreciated it a lot more and cherished it to a greater degree.

I also loved when she said, "fear is rooted in the false belief one must do things alone, but faith and hope come form the memory of spiritual experiences or blessings from the Lord." I always think I can do everything on my own. I end up getting really stressed out because I have so many decisions to make and so many things on my to-do list, but what I always forget is that I can rely on the Lord in all of my endeavors. If I'm wondering what major is the best for me or if I should be dating this person, I don't have to be stressed out because I'm relying on someone who can see the entirety of my life and knows what will be the best thing for me. If I was relying only on what I thought was best, I would be constrained to only knowing how it would effect me short-term, but I know that if I put my faith in trust on the one who can see far into the long-term, He will not lead me astray.

Image result for waiting upon the lord devotional byu

(Erin Holmes pictured above)

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